Blue Eyed Salaryman by Niall Murtagh
It's a book by Niall Murtagh. Born in Ireland, after graduating his university studies in 1979, he spent time traveling around the world. Until when he ended living in Japan first as a student and later an employee in one of the largest conglomerates in Asia, Mitsubishi. In this book Murtagh tells a story of his life as an ordinary employee, how he made it up to the top management level and challenges he faced as a foreign employee from Dublin working in a deeply rooted Japanese culture company. It was an interesting read, considering the fact that I started reading it few months after I graduated university where I had yet to live "Salary man's life" as Murtagh refers himself for being an employee. The cultural challenges the writer encountered as an employee is what I needed to learn from at the time when reading the book. At was the moment I was working with a team/teams from diverse culture. So the book was absolutely relevant. I purchased this book in Stonetown, Zanzibar on 2nd of October 2016. It is quiet a wonderful read for someone who wants to feel the experience not only of life as an employee but also how cool and difficult it can be to work in a foreign country.